* stef <stef_204@yahoo.com> [2014-09-16 03:31:13 -0700]:
This is the program <https://github.com/jdleicher/MassHash/> MassHash: A set of file hashing tools.
To be clear, this program, for which I am trying to build my first AUR PKGBUILD (bear with me please, still learning) is NOT a python package or library.
Usually, python applications have a proper setup.py as well. However in this case (as upstream doesn't provide one and the script is two single files) IMHO it's unnecessary to write one.
Right now, personally, on my box, I have the package as so (I just downloaded it since it is self-contained, there is nothing to build; and am just running it from there):
/opt/MassHash /opt/MassHash/python2 /opt/MassHash/python2/masshash-launcher /opt/MassHash/python2/masshash /opt/MassHash/data /opt/MassHash/data/masshash-launcher.glade /opt/MassHash/data/masshash-launcher.svg /opt/MassHash/README /opt/MassHash/python3 /opt/MassHash/python3/masshash-launcher /opt/MassHash/python3/masshash /opt/MassHash/AUTHORS /opt/MassHash/COPYING
*The program is self-contained.*
As said previously: installing to /opt really only should be done for complex packages which are very difficult to impossible to get running otherwise.
And looking at <https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards#Directories> one idea would be to install as such:
/usr/share/program/ /usr/share/program/data/ /usr/share/masshash/data/masshash-launcher.glade /usr/share/masshash/data/masshash-launcher.svg /usr/share/masshash/python3/ /usr/share/masshash/python3/masshash /usr/share/masshash/python3/masshash-launcher /usr/share/doc/ /usr/share/doc/masshash/AUTHORS /usr/share/doc/masshash/COPYING /usr/share/doc/masshash/README.md
Then the PKGBUILD script creates another script or symlink which is placed in /usr/bin
I'd install it like this: - AUTHORS and README.md to /usr/share/doc/masshash. COPYING probably isn't necessary as it's a standard GPL3 license anyways. - The python3 masshash and masshash-launcher scripts to /usr/bin directly - no need to create another wrapper around them. - The python2 scripts not installed at all. I think it's reasonable to say nobody will want to run Arch with python2 only but not python3. - The masshash-launcher.glade and masshash-launcher.svg files directly to /usr/share/masshash, as the script searches them there if they don't exist relatively to the script: https://github.com/jdleicher/MassHash/blob/master/python3/masshash-launcher#... Florian -- http://www.the-compiler.org | me@the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP) GPG 0xFD55A072 | http://the-compiler.org/pubkey.asc I love long mails! | http://email.is-not-s.ms/