Hi there I'm look for a way to set the PKGBUILD's source=() to fetch file from archlinux repository without needing to set "ftp.archlinux.org" (which is throttled in 50Kb/s) or any other specific mirror (in order to avoid slow connection in distant geographic locations). FYI, some PKGBUILDs in AUR need to fetch from archlinux repository, like lib32-pam, lib32-avahi, lib32-smbclient. So, a solution for this issue might might provide better experience for end-user from AUR unsupported. One too much lazy solution (but works) is to grep one server from mirrorlist (e.g.: first) and get specifically the prefix of the URL, which will be completed in the source array: _srcurl=`grep -m 1 ^Server /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist` _srcurl=${_srcurl/Server = /} _srcurl=${_srcurl/\/\$repo\/os\/\$arch/} source=($_srcurl/foo/bar) Any other idea? Comments are welcome.