On 12/10/18 12:15 PM, Eli Schwartz wrote:
On 12/10/18 11:54 AM, Storm Dragon via aur-general wrote:
So just to make sure, this all boils down to, this shouldn't be a split package, and the probablem with taholafs should be solved by that package maintainer instead of depending on me? Would it be ok to unsplit the package and go back to a python3 only distribution now?
If taholafs requires the ability to "import wormhole" in a python2 program, then it is fine to provide a split package.
However, the split python2 package should only contain the library module, and should rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin
Is taholafs not in the AUR? There are no AUR packages which depend on magic-wormhole, and I cannot find anything when searching for "taholafs".
I've written up an untested PKGBUILD that expresses what I believe you want. Note how I've fixed up the url and the two package names it provides, and installed the LICENSE file which you *must* install for MIT-licensed software. Also note the addition of the testsuite, and the reliance on a dummy array _deps=() to track the twelve module dependencies, which are super annoying to enter four times over. paste: https://paste.xinu.at/DsTdAi/ inline: # Maintainer: Storm Dragon <stormdragon2976@gmail.com> # Contributor: Eli Schwartz <eschwartz@archlinux.org> pkgbase=magic-wormhole pkgname=('magic-wormhole' 'python2-magic-wormhole') pkgver=0.11.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Securely transfer data between computers" arch=('any') url="https://magic-wormhole.readthedocs.io/en/latest/welcome.html" license=('MIT') _deps=('autobahn' 'click' 'cffi' 'hkdf' 'humanize' 'idna' 'ipaddress' 'pynacl' 'service-identity' 'spake2' 'tqdm' 'txtorcon') makedepends=('python2-setuptools' 'python-setuptools') checkdepends=("${_deps[@]/#/python-}" "${_deps[@]/#/python2-}" 'python-mock' 'python2-mock') source=("https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/${pkgbase::1}/${pkgbase}/${pkgbase}-${pkgver}.tar.gz") sha512sums=('890c0f1f946dfd9a9bde2ec0079c55dc23b328e04780e6baf8c580dfd068bf37a5b2e00e12119be6529a6e0893d4f711145e04c349ccfdf7ef91e87cef785d36') build() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" python setup.py build python2 setup.py build } check() { cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" python setup.py test python2 setup.py test } package_magic-wormhole() { pkgdesc="Securely transfer data between computers" depends=("${_deps[@]/#/python-}") cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" python2 setup.py install --root="${pkgdir}/" --optimize=1 install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE } package_python2-magic-wormhole() { pkgdesc="Library to securely transfer data between computers" depends=("${_deps[@]/#/python2-}") cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}" python2 setup.py install --root="${pkgdir}/" --optimize=1 rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE } -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User