Hi, I was just packaging btg in order to move it to community, but I realised that rb_libtorrent is in unsupported. I looked at the details page[1] and it appears pressh moved it from community. Was there any reason for moving it back to unsupported? There's also a small annoyance with the libtorrent and rb_libtorrent packages - they conflict. The two packages provide different libraries, but conflict due to having the same paths. There is a package in unsupported called librtorrent [2] which resolves the issue. Since libtorrent already exists in community, the package, along with rs_rtorrent, should be either removed or the changes should be implemented in libtorrent. There was also some discussion about this conflict on the bbs [3], which provides more detail. It appears Debian is having the same problem [4]. Their solution is to rename the packages to libtorrent-rakshasa and libtorrent-rasterbar, which may be better package names than rb_libtorrent and librtorrent. I think it would be better if these packages wouldn't conflict, but excessive renaming of packages is probably unnecessary. [1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID=14940 [2] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?do_Details=1&ID=10572 [3] http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=234044#p234044 [4] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=402462