* Fabio Castelli <webreg@vbsimple.net> (Wed, 12 Nov 2014 10:35:25 -0600):
Please explain me how can I use or send me a source example (with build instruction included please) which uses the mysql-connector-c++ to check if everything works fine with my build and if it works fine we'll see how to fix the package.
The only program that uses mysql-connector-c++ I know of is mysql-workbench [1], but that's a bit bloated to build only to test if connector-c++ is working correctly (and I don't know which parts of workbench use it, so that's rather uncertain). I think the best you can do is test the examples in examples/ of mysql-connector-c++. First set the credentials of your locally running db in examples.h. Then change the line in the example file, e.g. prepared_statement.cpp that reads #include <driver/mysql_public_iface.h> to #include "../driver/mysql_public_iface.h" and issue $ g++ -o prepared_statement -Wl,-Bdynamic -lmysqlcppconn \ prepared_statement.cpp Then you can run $ ./prepared_statement I did the same with resultset.cpp, resultset_meta.cpp (which resulted in a runtime error) and exceptions.cpp. Others needed more tinkering, which I'm now unable to do. Good luck and I'll be back within a few hours. Regards, Marcel [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mysql-workbench/