On 2021-06-18 14:35, Morgan Adamiec via aur-general wrote:
Hey there!
I'm Morgan, Morganamilo in most places and I'd like to apply to become a Trusted User with dvzrv and kpcyrd's sponsorship.
Hello, Morgan! Nice to meet you. :)
I've been an avid Arch user for the past 5 or so years. I started dipping my toes into the community with some wiki edits, bug reporting and submitted my first AUR package back in 2017.
I also love FOSS as a whole, I contribute to random projects here and there, participate where I can and just love the community aspect.
These days my main involvement with arch is pacman and the AUR.
I started contributing to pacman 3 years ago. Adding stricter pkgbuild linting and fixing a bug here or there. Fast forward to now and I'm one of the maintainers of pacman as well as maintaining the rust bindings for libalpm.
On the AUR side I co developed yay, developed paru and also have contributions in pretty much every current AUR helper.
I think that might get some stones thrown at you... ;) But I jest: You've put in a lot of great work and I appreciate not only your development of these tools but also your maintenance of their packages in the AUR/involvement with users.
So I pretty know the AUR/pacman/makepkg inside out.
I think this is an interesting conundrum, because it's clear that you *do* know this inside out, but there are relatively few packages to review on your account! What I see seems well-written and I'm confident in your capabilities of keeping up with everything. My only nitpick would be on a recent comment in the AUR [1]. I know it's mostly in jest but I think it's important that users *are* trusted (to a reasonable point, I'm not saying to take everything at their word...). I know there are the occasional... er... less-than-optimal users that do things like file deletion requests when their aur helper breaks or something, but it's important to keep a healthy community atmosphere. Many of the users are less technical and just need a gentle push in the right direction. And other users are great in providing insight/a second set of eyes. Again, I'm only *nitpicking*; I think you've been great!
Some other things I do in and around Arch are:
* I maintain a handful of AUR packages * I'm a moderator for the r/archlinux subreddit * I'm a (bit inactive) Bug wrangler
You make great bug reports! For example, https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/64208
* I also maintain a handful of pacman/AUR oriented rust/go libraries * I also go and bug AUR maintainers about broken pkgbuilds
I'm a big fan of rust, so a lot of the packages I wish to maintain are rust related. A lot of it is there in the repos already So I'd be looking to co maintain:
Github: https://github.com/Morganamilo AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/account/Morganamilo Forums: https://bbs.archlinux.org/profile.php?id=113213
+1 on a great attitude.
Bugs: https://bugs.archlinux.org/user/26268 irc: Morganamilo
I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into Arch even more. It's a great community and I've thoroughly enjoyed my time so far.
Thanks for applying! [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/discord-canary/#comment-811202