Hi, Thanks for the replies. On Thursday 09 September 2010 at 20:57 Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
I'm just going to reply to some of the things you said.
1) Maintain popular packages well and reliably.
I currently maintain 7 packages in the AUR, and am interested particularly in things relating to science and research (e.g. latex, octave, sage, bibliographic management stuff like mendeley and kbib), as well as KDE things (I've been building and using KDE since version 1.0). And while I think it's ideal when people maintain things that they use themselves, this wouldn't restrict me from taking on other packages that I don't use.
See my current packages here: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=petelewis
The only packages that you mentioned your interests in that aren't maintained in community are mendeley and kbib.
Oh sure. I wasn't intending to say that that was all I would be doing, just that those were the types of packages that I would be interested in taking on. As part of what I was saying about processes and things, I think it could be nice if people take "ownership" (meaning responsibility, not necessarily always direct maintainership) over themes. I was just trying to say that I would be particularly interested in making it my business to check out those packages in the science category, making sure everything's clean and up to date. Incidentally. I don't think that clean is just about clean packages (though that's obviously important) - it's also about going through and finding old packages that no longer exist, don't compile on a current system or have the wrong (non-standard) name etc. and deciding what to do.
You do have very few packages albeit nice and clean ones. I think that you should demonstrate the final thing you mentioned by adopting some more packages and cleaning them up so that you at least have 20. Ofc this is not required and it's just my opinion. (I think the minimum amount of packages any user should have before applying to a TU position is 20 nice and clean ones)
Sure, no problem. One reason I hesitated about applying before was exactly because I don't currently maintain very many packages, but after I read Allan saying on the forums that it was "perfectly fine to maintain <10 packages" (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=103250), I changed my mind. I took on three more this evening anyway, and will continue to do so.
I'm just suggesting this so that I know that when TU's apply (not just picking on you) that they at least look like they have some minimal experience that I expect a TU to have.
2) Promote Arch and the TU scheme.
As I said, I think we need more TUs, while maintaining our high standard. I'd like to promote the TU scheme and get more skilled Arch users to take on maintaining the packages that they use. I think a world where more people maintain a small number of packages each in [community] will lead to a bigger and higher quality [community] repo. We should advertise, with the aim of
I agree.
having many more TUs. This also means that we shouldn't be afraid of voting people down if they're not yet ready, and give feedback to help them improve and invite them to apply again later. We all benefit from this.
Now I know you can't be angry at me for the previous comments :)
heh heh, not at all :-) Vote with your conscience ;-)
Can I get your secret beer recipe?
Ha! This is open source beer I'm afraid: http://petesodyssey.org/homebrewedbeer Cheers, Pete.