Hello Pablo, On Tue, 30 Dec 2014 at 00:01:05, Pablo Lezaeta Reyes wrote:
But if someone missed the deadline (something that I'm sure will happend for a few hundeds at least either because lazines, bussyness or not want (or can't) reach aur-dev page) there are a place to take the PKGBUILD that was deleted in the "lets break AUR" cleanup?
As I already mentioned in a reply to Νῖκος, it is possible to recover PKGBUILDs that have been deleted from an archive.
Also translations need to be pulled, the last time the translation weren't taken from transfex (as I can noticed) and viceversa, so why not let the submit button there but intead add the instructions on how now upload packages to aur. [...]
Are you talking about 3.5.1 or 4.0.0? The setup on aur-dev.archlinux.org is a pre-alpha release and thus, there aren't any translations yet.