On 12/05/2010 12:32 AM, Loui Chang wrote:
On Sun 05 Dec 2010 00:15 +0200, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
maybe i lack the understanding of words and to quote from bylaws:
"The removal of a Trusted User may also occur at any time.
A motion must be made by at least two active Trusted Users for the removal of a Trusted User. (THIS IS ME)
I also fail to see how you are two active Trusted Users, but I would take the agreement of some other TUs as sufficient to count as a second proposer.
clearly we need to redone the motion because nobody replied with, "I support the motion". I think for all that really discussed the motion and agreed, was implied. we need to take lessons from you with a good example. Take me as example for a course classe, because we are really a bunch of idiots who cannot understand some phrases. The hole democratic and election like in the book is making me crazy. we are all nerds and not layers and we are not in a judge curt to follow, bylaws letter by letter -- Ionuț