Done a bit of research... On Mon, 11 Apr 2011, Stefan Husmann wrote:
irssi (VCS) * irssi-svn * irssi-git
These both seem "official", though the main website points to the SVN repo and not the git one. However, it seems many contributors are using git since it's easier to send in patches etc. I couldn't find out how often they're synced, but I assume it's pretty regular. So, it's probably worth either keeping both, or just going with git only.
tmux (VCS) * tmux-git * tmux-cvs
Well, the CVS one is the "official upstream", however the main dev also maintains the git repo with an hourly sync from CVS. Martti Kühne, maintainer of tmux-cvs said on this list in January:
tmux-cvs is my package. tmux-git is a tmux developer's synchronisation which doesn't use a separate build directory, but may come in handy because it's git and the commit history is present.
scratch mine as well... tmux-git is just fine.
So tmux-vcs could be deleted, if others agree. HTH, Pete.