17 мая 2021 г., 23:38 +0300, Ralf Mardorf via aur-general <aur-general@lists.archlinux.org>, написал (-а):
On Mon, 2021-05-17 at 22:23 +0200, Markus Schaaf via aur-general wrote:
Danke fürs Corn-Poppen! :-)
please, don't consider my 2 cents as bikeshedding.
"Make sure the package you want to upload is useful." - https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AUR_submission_guidelines#Rules_of_submissi...
I question the usefulness, in relation to all the trouble with upstream.
Actually, if several people consider something as useful, while I have got doubts, I wouldn't chime in. However, in this case there's some trouble and I wonder, if it's really worth the hassle.
What actually from an audio engineering point of view is speaking for the usefulness?
Greetings from the peanut gallery Ralf
I'm using this software regularly and I claim its usefulness for me. I can clap my hands while speaking in my voice calls and my peers can't hear my hands clapping. When my children are running around and laughing my peers almost can't hear them. This is enough for me to say that this software is useful. Pasha