On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:16 PM, wakeup <wakeup@erehwon.de> wrote:
Thank you for the replies first off, but I think you misunderstood me.
I do realize that it is possible to write those CLI-tools with a lot of shell-hacking and excessive use of various string manipulation tools. You have to see though, that this is a pain for devs! I do not think AUR's web interface represents the Arch way (keeping it simple) good enough, because it makes writing a light client much more difficult than it has to be. Of course one can access the AUR via CLI, but it sure is not the simple way.
Think of the other benefits a client/server model brings with it, like bigger scalability through mirroring (and in general) or the possibility to choose your favorite client.
cheers, wakeup
I was under the impression the other replies in this thread explained this but please see this link: http://aur.archlinux.org/rpc.php This is a JSON interface for the AUR, it allows most queries possible on the web interface and is exactly what you're looking for. It provides everything you're asking with the benefit of not having to download an entire database. -- Callan Barrett