3 May
3 May
7:57 p.m.
When I run $ yaourt –Syu –-aur I get this messages. I think this need to be clean up in Aur. libol: not found on AUR perl-archive-extract: (local=0.24-1 aur=0.18-3) perl-ipc-cmd: (local=0.40-1 aur=0.36-3) perl-locale-maketext-simple: (local=0.18-2 aur=0.16-3) perl-module-load: (local=0.12-1 aur=0.10-2) perl-module-load-conditional: (local=0.22-1 aur=0.16-3) tpctl: not found on AUR xorg: not found on AUR Following packages have not been installed: libol tpctl xorg