On 14.05.2012 15:22, Arch Website Notification wrote:
**** wants to notify you that the following packages may be out-of-date:
* skype [community] (i686): https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/i686/skype/ * skype [multilib] (x86_64): https://www.archlinux.org/packages/multilib/x86_64/skype/
The user provided the following additional text:
New Version available http://blogs.skype.com/garage/2012/05/skype_22_for_linux_hotfix.html
Maybe is not affected, but even then, its not the latest version. Please update :-)!
We are packaging the dynamically linked skype binary and if you read that blog post skype even states that you don't need to update that because .35 is the latest dynamically linked skype package. The problem that has been fix in the static build is in libpng which we package separately and that has already been updated, therefore our skype package is fine. Since this is the second time, I ask everyone not to flag skype out of date again unless they really release a new dynamically linked package. Thank you. PS: The submitter of this OOD message has been BCC'ed. -- Florian Pritz