On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 12:06:34PM +0100, Ronald van Haren wrote:
- lua-related (luadoc, luafilesystem, luajit, lualogging)
please don't! :-p I bet most of them are makedepends of my awesome package. So unless someone with more time also needs them as makedepends I suppose I take them next week or so.
I'm glad these packages will have good homes. I think luadoc is the only (make)dependency for awesome, right? On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 09:08:22AM +0000, Pierre Chapuis wrote:
I am also a Lua user, and as I was reading posts by the Arch Haskell team I thought maybe a project like that should be created for Lua. I would love to see a better support for it in Arch, and especially to see all of Kepler packaged (including Xavante).
If other users on this list are interrested, please email me and maybe we could set up a user repository for lua modules...
Yeah, I was thinking of setting up an automated luarocks2arch system, like Haskell's cabal2arch. I did something like this for most of the Chicken Scheme modules (they're all in AUR, the automatic PKGBUILD-generater works but it's fragile and I haven't distributed it). I just haven't had time to make any progress on this for lua. But I'm willing to participate when I can. -- Jim Pryor profjim@jimpryor.net