Hi everyone, I'm sorry, my last application was bad a few days ago. I (nickname a-wing) would like to apply to be a Trusted User. Chih-Hsuan Yen (yan12125) && Jiachen Yang (farseerfc) will be my sponsor. Some basic information about myself, My Chinese name is YongXin SHI. I am 23 years old, and I'm living in shenzhen, China. I am a Web Developer. uav cloud management system dev in UAV company. (not DJI) I mainly do programming in Ruby, JavaScript, PHP I use ruby on rails web-application framework Or express.js, Koa.js, and Frontend Single Page Application(SPA)use vue.js I use Chinese and English. My Blog is https://a-wing.top (Chinese) I started using Ubuntu in high school. And I use Debian at university. In 2017, I started Archlinux I also tried other distributions. linux mint, deepin linux, gentoo, centos I think dpkg package manage is too complicated, But .deb init did a lot of things that should not be done For example: Debian (deb) - If install postgresql, dpkg is help init DB to /var/lib/postgres , But I might migrate other databases. - I remember. once I install a dpkg pkg. but Always in the installing. Because detection /dev/** to init. - The complexity of dpkg makes problems difficult to fix manually - Packaging is too complicated, I have never learned how to packaging a standard deb Gentoo - If your computer CPU && mem too little.... _(:з」∠)_ - And C compile, python too coupling Centos (rpm) - No comment Archlinux - Easy to packaging - Makes problems easy to fix manually - wiki is very good About my involvement in Arch Linux, I have 11 packages on AUR [1]. I also maintains 52 packages in the unofficial [archlinuxcn] repo [2]. Also I developped a build status webpage, both the backend and the frontend, for archlinuxcn build server (lilac web status frontend).[3][4][5] About the packages I want to maintain in [community] 1.- ruby-rails - ruby-actioncable - ruby-websocket-driver - ruby-websocket-extensions - ruby-actionpack - ruby-rack-test - ruby-rails-dom-testing - ruby-rails-html-sanitizer - loofah - ruby-crass - ruby-nokogiri - ruby-activejob - ruby-globalid - ruby-activerecord - ruby-arel - ruby-activesupport - ruby-concurrent-ruby - ruby-i18n - ruby-minitest - ruby-tzinfo - ruby-actionmailer - ruby-actionview - ruby-builder - ruby-erubi - ruby-activemodel - ruby-activestorage - ruby-marcel - ruby-mimemagic - ruby-railties - ruby-method_source - ruby-sprockets-rails - ruby-sprockets 2.- ruby-pry - ruby-coderay - ruby-method_source 3.- frp Many Web app rely on ruby-rails: mastodon, discourse, redmine, gitlab(But. gitlab need special version), so I think packaging ruby-rails will greatly benefit arch linux users to do development and deployment on their favorite distro more easily. About frp, I think frp should split as frpc and frps Because. client and server will not be on the same computer I will also take over some packages from Felix Yan - ruby-bundler - trojan Thank you for your attention! [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=a-wing [2] https://github.com/archlinuxcn/repo/graphs/contributors [3] https://build.archlinuxcn.org/packages/ [4] https://github.com/a-wing/KISS2U [5] https://github.com/a-wing/KISS2UI