pkgver should not have the leading 'v'.
Packages are supposed to maintain the same version format as the upstream codebase, as the upstream uses vx.x.x the v should be added, although this will be reworked in the next commit anyways so don't worry about it.
No reason to specify pkgbase here, but it's not a problem.
Yes I am aware, I did it without thinking to be honest, I tend to declare the pkgbase and pkgname without thinking about whether the value is redundant (in the case of pkgbase).
Is git really needed at build time?
Nope, originally I was going to clone and checkout the tag, then I realised that git provides .tar.gz for source, which would be 100x easier than cloning the repository (also has lower overhead, and takes up less bandwidth). It is however needed for runtime, so I need to move this to depends, this will be done in the next commit.
You need to rename the source archive, the name is too generic. See the warning at https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PKGBUILD#source
I was informed of this by T.J, I will be fixing this in the next commit.
You need to install the license file.
Eh, this one I was not sure about, it uses a generic license and as far as I have seen on the AUR, people do not install copies of generic licenses, because they are generic and already provided by the arch base.
For rust PKGBUILDs, see https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Rust_package_guidelines
I will check this out, thanks for the link. Thank you, -- Polarian GPG signature: 0770E5312238C760 Website: https://polarian.dev JID/XMPP: polarian@polarian.dev