-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Hey guys, I am maintaining the AUR arduino packages for a while now and think its time for it to get its place in the official community repository. If you do not know Arduino, it is a development platform for several microcontrollers and widely used for education and also in commercial products. This is also how I came to programming and linux. https://www.arduino.cc/ I've been using arduino now for over 2 years now starting with version 1.0.5. Since then I've developed a lot libraries for Arduino and also an USB Bootloader. Furthermore I've also contributed to the official package, as you can see in the changelog. You can find those below: https://github.com/NicoHood http://www.nicohood.de https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ReleaseNotes Since version 1.6.9 I've joined the AUR packaging of arduino. I've worked together with Loen (who deleted his account for some reason) as co-maintainer. Since he disappeared I am the main maintainer now. We have solved so far: * General package update * avrdude fix * use less source files, use builtin xml and desktop file * make depenedencies more generic * PKGBUILD cleanup * rebuild the system with arch's java (200mb less) * fix java7&8 building * fix java7&8 starting of the app * separate packages for bin and git package * official sha512sums from upstream for bin package * added arduino-builder to PATH * Fixed package permissions upstream myself https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/arduino/ As you can see arduino is widely used and very popular on arch (over 500 votes). I think it would be a huge plug for arch if it could officially support the arduino package. Arch also has the most up to date avr-gcc and avrdude binaries, so all avr development would be in place. I follow the arduino github issues and PRs, so I always know whats going on with the project. I know the arduino team quite good, which you can also see in the changelog. If I have an important question or request (like the sha512sums) they will likely listen to me. That's why I was also able to fix some of the major problems listed above. Appart from arduino I want to maintain a few other packages also. I thought it would be better to start with a small package number and then increase them over the time. I didn't want to request too much, however alucryd suggested me to list a few more packages than only arduino. I do not own all of them, but I've modified/updated them myself. I want to make sure that I am able to provide high quality packages, so I chose packages I also use myself. I can imagine maintaining those packages in the following preferred order. * gtk-theme-arc * arc-icon-theme * hyperion * create_ap * python(2)-pyusb * pyhton(2)-intelhex * python(2)-pyqrcode * ipod-shuffle-4g * (spotify) As I've explained very detailed the arduino package I want to keep it short for the others: I've been using them now for a very long time mostly or developed for those packages myself, so I know how to package them properly. I've first contacted farseerfc who wants to sponser me, but suggested me to also contact a TU that is longer in the business, and though I asked alucryd and he also wants to sponsor me. anatolik also agreed that I should take over the pyusb package if my TU application gets accepted. I am very active on IRC, AUR and github issues. If there is a question you can always ask :) Thanks for your attention. PS: I've signed this message with my new PGP package key and my current email PGP key. New key identifier: 7865312C829DF18E513A539BCC637E15FD4328D3 - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJXyIZ+AAoJEMxjfhX9QyjTiuMP/iUhzmvkMB843SkVGHk5a7lr vAEvDCzmKykNtdNNxvOrwVi6IA7u5SWEAq6VTR33PzVmWG7yXeXPPG0p2f82KtTU Yi9fyU8sPnenJHJjXKPkA1MZq6Dwx19HgVwobctjIZVf5j8Eo7uMxvnwHzuikbzw KxPKJxkNBHzgtTgXyAiJVWfyl1bnrH9KzFfWBYGrE9y4yJn75sjNABF2KjFwfts7 hyptcbwQKYi3AhgbZYS3yZRWPkkYBL23hc6iJGeMvrpYfE7fDRbHGBBMwH1oY/r7 7VyATZ345C8yqz5868hmPSck+3BV+Jiy6R4mti+c3pOC/Qf9lATo17v1F9zYRzkD D8AZZ1aF/9QC4JJcNwHnZEQw2TuExScHiCW6DREupIkKAjxico5go3U26Z8WiGge j8kiFwUKJYJS6bBJ5KN9GS6EbRau9Axpzmsa2w22T82c5JT75fO8WkRXOh9XkiSp G0un5x/8n1dQ6dF2BBlDEO7I5uk1oNS/JPPLiTi5ejSV4WWzs5Ta32oHDs5seOYs kJNyT9OXtMCS018z0U4e1XE2ZFJoQclpDVPNPP0vWrhuDI8JQeX6IZWZQS6VuW8k h7kL5UbBKkc9u1yoGOGnlJvqyRRT4QtWCAv5nKLamgph2vludci5gYwfaOysypyW QYvUKycKPn7NqqicJnvT =Q+ZQ - -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJXyIbOAAoJEFHa6bfBrpFhRMgP/2sQYzSDdozfTkvxFytI/RGw O5KcLfCSMASJD73kFquPOTC50+efBAAOKHC72VPDyqgl75x4k2Jf67z2P9lAWLah 7dQa0MprMZ1cjItZIzYyk7dC4XCaHgJyAr4dDR0YIReGrtoBk0joQIPVgbyblKpY RMQuTJzaDeDMK5/K/q5VGbj+bcHCbyGSFLzE34K4ZRWA8j2aHo9C/H6bbRcmupXD 0XHovUQnZJn5riaDK1nVVyVlzz4y/WfdyupML84TkXzvPY1t+vT5IlPHxOr9WePq UIpQvjEQSKSZ9oQCKCtyK6yHR51tZLS/2ItNc41bkrRA3TlFB3/k9OOygd1hEJg8 sGP0pm3Ak2QMFjSdm03QXW0S/PJrJGzgE1BhuNH9t1dF0vVRr6EZ8MvAEWSilHdo QbBvwfnR+7n/VdPvZtABspSI3OXjf+gIBM5nbV/FilpBJ2LeTGpXqA0quGIPhsa7 jzAfHI7ShakkvCU/Q6jHexQxUpx/YFD0Wf41+aKPJpqnePN9zLuvrs6wFuB37Wa0 HDwlMN2ibsCxKG/0we11EstEl2p1MVQGom+u2rjK9LDfemIvznk10JC7yJSA55fI /swZlz9VVjtBzRqFKG5ZyufhwuxA3g1ZwqPxXXd2dz9MX4aU9Lr4/b99avTaONl5 Nt3IAwDt4gHo6/77kCla =lAtZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----