Hi all, I just received a mail where the user ask me to rename a plasmoid package in AUR. He suggests to rename it as kdeplasma-addons-applets-$plasmoidname, but this is obviously wrong as kdeplasma-addons is the name of the *official* KDE package. If we would rename all our packages in that way, will be really difficult, for both users and maintainer, to understand if we are talking about an official kde plasmoid or not. So, I thought about two naming conventions: * kdeplasma-applets-$plasmoidname * plasma-applets-$plasmoidname Sincerely, I prefer the first one as all kde packages start with the kde prefix. I also wrote a simple KDE package guidelines page[1] taking this opportunity. Any suggestion is much appreciated. The absence of this naming convention created many duplicates on AUR, so let's start the AUR plasmoid cleanup! Thanks! [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KDE_Package_Guidelines -- Andrea