Another point... You should keep other contributor's names in the package. You adopted the packages, right?! As I could see, you have packages from 2007 for example. And you had just put your name as the only one who contributed for the package. :/ When you adopt a package, you should put your name and keep the others. best regards --- - °v° Marcelo Cavalcante Rocha / Kalib - /(_)\ Usuário Linux #407564 / Usuário Asterisk #1148 - ^ ^ GNU-Linux - Livre, Poderoso e Seguro - TUX-CE Member - - Archlinux-br Developer Team - - On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 5:43 AM, Abhishek Dasgupta <> wrote:
A few notes on your PKGBUILDs
- url is a string, not an array (amule-upnp) - package description should not start with pkgname (baltazar, dirac-codec) - you can use $pkgname-$pkgver in source array, makes maintenance easier (cpuspeed) - backup array has preceding slashes (cpuspeed) - if you put a package in depends, there is no need to put it in makedepends as well (rtpproxy) - putting in '|| return 1' would be nice here (wireless-applet); this is especially important when you'll include patches.
-- Abhishek