19 Dec
19 Dec
12:16 p.m.
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 04:42:07AM -0700, w9ya wrote:
Finally Allan also did say this in his first email that started this thread:
FACT : ".... only Trusted Users can delete packages from the AUR ."
I was a TU when I asked Daenyth to remove my community repo packages. This was NOT violation of rules by his own admission. Yet he sought to remove me and lied in the process. He lied to you.
By attempting to remove all traces of the packages you betrayed the Trusted Users' trust. It's a selfish move despite your claims of syncing issues. That's what the problem is. Don't be ridiculous. There is no reason that PKGBUILDs in AUR should stop you from creating and maintaining your repo.