Also I noticed that is working here. but the main page lack of a link that specificaly mention that intructions for uloading packager are here, they links only are guideliness for packaging for TU aur user, for user itself and bugtracker. I son't know if is time but why not add a string with something like "For uploading packages <insert résumé of instructions>", or "for instructions to upload packages refer to <specific section on aur wiki article>". The first will show in the main page how, so new users will know what to do when they first enter the page even befor set an acount or think in read the wiki, the seccond (my fav) encourage read the wiki. I can say that the actual text show no easy to notice indicators of what to do to upload but a simple 1 liner text even could help. Also I keep thinking that either a emailed anounce and a arch mainpage anounce will be the best and that 1 repo per package is a bad idea. -- *Pablo Lezaeta*