Hey there. I want to submit sdlmame-cheats package to AUR. Basically, this package would provide a single file; archived collection of user-provided xml files for using in sdlmame. But I have some difficulties with it's license. I couldn't find it nor on the official site, nor in the archive. Actually, I've asked on local forum what license they are providing their work under [1]. The reply was, I quote, "Any individual cheats in this forum/submitted can be taken as Public Domain. I don't know if the collection needs a license or what type of license to put on the full collection". So what do you think, can I put a "license=('PD')" in PKGBUILD? Or even no license at all? [1] http://www.mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3450&start=0