Excerpts from Levente Polyak's message of julho 17, 2023 3:01 pm:
Dear Tomaz and fellow community members,
Let's all grab a cool beverage, breath some fresh air and get back to this discussion with a clear mind.
Thank you Levente for your words. I think this application got derailed for the wrong reasons. I still firmly believe that Tomaz would make an excellent addition to our team. He is a seasoned open source developer, and has packaging experience, albeit not on Arch, admittedly, but on debian. Nevertheless, with some help from the sponsors and remaining a Junior Maintainer for a while, I think this would be a perfect fit. Not only Tomaz can help with KDE packaging, and also anticipating trends from the KDE team, but I'm quite sure he can also help with other parts of the system as well. We are working on the GPG signature, but as anyone can see, his email is coming from the KDE org, and he _is_ who he claims he is. So let's all take a break and try to keep to the application itself. Regards, Giancarlo Razzolini