Hello Quentin, On 24/07/2024 21:38, mh4ckt3mh4ckt1c4s wrote:
My name is Quentin, or mh4ckt3mh4ckt1c4s/mh4ckwascut on the AUR and other Arch projects, and I'm applying to become a Package Maintainer. My application is sponsored by Robin Candau (Antiz) and Rémi Gacogne (rgacogne). Good luck on the application [..] I would like to bring from my AUR packages to the extra repo podman-desktop
You are maintaining podman-desktop-bin. We rarely package binary packages if we can build the ones from source. Do you plan to build from source this?
I also plan to merge my zaproxy-desktop package with zaproxy that is already in extra. This is just an icon and a .desktop file - you can raise an MR already for it. As for the packages I can co-maintain, I would be happy to help with LLVM-related packages, or any other package that would need help and where I would be useful, like containerization or security tools. Sure - you can look at orphan first :)
A few comments on your PKGBUILDs from AUR
The PKGBUILD seems to not follow the python packages guidelines [1]
|recon-ng |
This [2] is slightly confusing. It adds no value as far as I can tell as it doesn't change the default behaviour. Can you elaborate a bit on why this patch is needed?
This seems weird PKGBUILD. Using a split pattern for a non split package and not following python guidelines [1] [1]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Python_package_guidelines [2]: https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=recon-ng#n23 Cheers, -- Leonidas Spyropoulos Developer & DevOps PGP: 244740D17C7FD0EC