I was wondering about this myself. I think the tests failing might indicate that broken modules are being used but it's probably too late to know for sure. Unofficial, platform-dependent perl modules (i.e. those with .so files) need to be rebuilt for perl 5.20 which I assume you noticed, John. To really get to the bottom of things, it helps to cut through the layers of abstraction and just run the test script directly. For example something like this might give you a more explicit error message: perl -Mblib src/perl-whatever-01/t/00-modules.t Back to your terse, error message. In the test harness, Wstat is the wait status of the perl process that ran the test. If you shift 512 right by 8 bits, you get 2, which is the exit status. This doesn't indicate a segfault, though, which is surprising. If that were true one of the first 8 bits would be set, I think. Anyways, it's probably too late to tell what was causing your test failures. -- -Justin