I'll +1 this, you're obviously more than capable of assuring that any and all conflicting packages and/or any compiling/running issues will be handled before rolling them out. On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Florian Pritz <bluewind@xinu.at> wrote:
I'd like to add the following packages (+ deps) to [community]: smokeping, echoping, spampd, mailgraph, postfwd, python-ansi2html (AUR package is out-of-date, I have a fixed one)
I use them, they are awesome and I don't want to have to check AUR for updates, but they are all missing a few votes.
Could 3 TUs give me their +1? Thanks.
PS to the maintainers of those packages: I didn't yet contact you because I'm not sure I can move them yet.
-- *Federico Cinelli *Arch Linux - Trusted User [Key:0xF15447D5] Cinelli Motorsports LLC - Boss Cinelli Thoughts - Writer