This was my thought - then I came across Mythtv - epoch=1 pkgrel=5 pkgver=29.1 The docs say that pkgrel should be for changes in the packaging files. Because of the Maintainers increasing pkgrel I was considering increasing the pkgrel by 0.01 each new build. This would allow for 99 subsequent builds on each pkgrel. The docs say that it can be of type ver.subver. would this work? Thanks Macca On 20/10/18 9:42 am, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sat, 20 Oct 2018 08:59:06 +0800, hagar wrote:
If I need to rebuild a package due to dependancy rebuilds/changes how do I mark the new package as newer?
Do I increase the epoch? No.
From 'man PKGBUILD':
"This is useful when the version numbering scheme of a package changes (or is alphanumeric), breaking normal version comparison logic."
Or is there another way? That is what the pkgrel is for.
However, AUR provides PKGBUILDs, not packages, so a maintainer doesn't bump the pkgrel each time a PKGBUILD gets edited, but a maintainer might care about the need to build against newer releases of dependencies and increase the pkgrel or the maintainer might ignore it. What ever changed, I bump the pkgrel for my local builds for each package, but that way the pkgrels of my local packages could get out of sync with the pkgrels of some AUR PKGBUILDs. If you dislike this, simply build a new package with the same pkgver-pkgrel or the same epoch:pkgver-pkgrel, if there already should be an epoch.