On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:16 PM, kludge <drkludge@rat-patrol.org> wrote:
w9ya wrote:
> So, yeah, now is the time for Aaron to consider such an approach. And
> IMHO it is something to consider BEFORE asking us to consider the
> current proposal from Allan/Lou. HECK , I can't even get Aaron to ask me
> for money I said I would donate.

well, i wouldn't want to push any decisions too momentously on anyone.
forming a legally recognized organization and going 501(c)(3) or
fiscally sponsored is a big deal.  takes *at least* a year and a lot of

All the more reason to be doing this yesterday, and if not yesterday, then today. Certainly waiting for tomorrow will cost you, ne , and anyone else involved with Archlinux more than dealing with it immediately. As in right now.

One thing for sure. Aaron should start considering that he will not be able to grow Archlinux with his finances from where they are now, if I am to believe what he has said in the past few days. Either the money is there or it is not. And if he needs more money, he is creating a HUGE set of problems by not seeking some relief from taking this money in as personal income. Heck if he needs a lot of money and it shows up as his income, then he might well cross boundries and pay a higher percentage on his taxable base. That would be a shame and a travesty related to not seeking this kind of tax relief.

Aaron NEEDS to fix this funding problem NOW regardles of what is entailed. If the answer is to limit access to resources, or limit the use of resources, or seek efficiency in those resources FIRST, he will still end up having to deal with this funding via his personal income issue anyways in time. I.e. Aaron cannot run away form this funding problem. Spending his time advocating this current proposal from Allan/Lou is simply a distraction compared to what he NEEDS to do.

Sooner or later Archlinux WILL suffer compared to other distros that do NOT have this funding oddity. Archlinux cannot easily grow into a larger distro without fixing this. It just is not possible. NO other large distro is run this way. And Archlinux IS on the cusp of just such growth. That or there would be NO REASON to consider the proposal of Allan/Lou that is at hand.


Bob Finch

if aaron et al. do decide to go that route, i'd be happy to offer what
advice and experience i have, but ianal and iananpoa (n_on-p_rofit
o_rganization a_adminstrator).

also, if this dicussion goes any further, it should probably move to
arch general or the forum.
