On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Andreas Baumann <abaumann@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 10:01:07AM -0700, Thomas S Hatch wrote:
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Andreas Baumann <abaumann@yahoo.com> wrote:
Now being a proud owner of a Logitech 600 I would like to try the 'congruity' and 'python-libconcord' packages. They seem not to be updated to 'python2'. I would like to adapt them..
Please send us links to the packages, we would hate to orphan the wrong ones :)
http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=41637 and http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=41639
Also, have you sent an email to the present maintainer requesting the packages be updated? Typically we like to give them the chance to hang onto their packages, sometimes things just get missed.
No, I dind't ask. Sorry. I'll do that..
-Thomas S Hatch
-- Andreas Baumann Trottenstrasse 20 CH-8037 Zuerich Telefon: +41(0)76/373 01 29 E-mail: abaumann@yahoo.com Homepage: www.andreasbaumann.cc
Thanks! We try hard to balance maintaining quality in the AUR and keeping people happy (especially since keeping people happy encourages higher quality!). Thanks again, give them a week or two so to respond, then we will happily orphan the packages for you! -Thomas S Hatch