On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 04:24:31PM -0400, member graysky wrote:
Hi All. Inspired by Allan's talk @ SINFO XX, I decided to throw my hat into the ring and formally apply to be a TU. My linux history started with RH and SUSE over a decade ago. I discovered Debian and Ubuntu. I found myself wanting more control and up-to-date repos and discovered Arch. I find it and its underlying philosophies, and its community to be to my liking. I have an interest in giving back to the Arch Community though maintaining some packages in [community]. This is surely me being old and grumpy, but I miss the days when TUs wanted to do more than just maintain a few packages. But a lot of us miss the days when 100 votes was enough to get an AUR
On 11/03/13 05:52 PM, Dave Reisner wrote: package into [community]. These days, votes are meaningless and a proper package will go into [community] if and only if it is used by an existing TU. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but it increases the number of TU candidates looking to make minor contributions.
I'm replying to the rest of this with full disclosure: graysky asked me to sponsor him first, and I've declined based on a lack of skill and what I feel isn't necessarily the correct attitude for an Arch TU. FWIW I have found graysky helpful in the past, particularly with regard to Xfce issues.