Hi György, I think you would be an awesome addition to the TU team. Your Unity packages are very good (and saved me a lot of work from repackaging everything :D). Since you mentioned the patched Xorg server and compiz, I'd just like to point out that the patched Xorg patches are no longer needed after Xorg 1.12.0 is released. Unity uses utouch, which uses Xinput 2.2 that Canonical backported to Xorg 1.11.4. The next version of Xorg will have it built in. I agree that my repo is pretty risky; one little error in the packaging, and then nothing works (especially with compiz) :). Good luck! Xiao-long Chen
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 17:13:11 +0100 From: ballogyor@gmail.com To: aur-general@archlinux.org Subject: Re: [aur-general] TU Application - György Balló
Is there a separate repo? Do you intend to start one otherwise? I would really like to see unity accessible for Arch users.
Unity 2D is available in my [ayatana] repo[1] along with indicators. To provide x86_64 packages, I'll need a build server.
Unity is a more difficult task, because it depends on a forked compiz 0.9, and I unable get it working with the upstream xorg-server. Chenxiaolong[2] works also on making Unity available for Arch Linux. His packages are mostly based on mine, but he maintain much more patched packages (including xorg-server, glib, even if not all patches are really needed), which makes his repo more risky.
[1] http://ayatana.info/ [2] https://github.com/chenxiaolong/Unity-for-Arch
-- György Balló