I would like to add these packages to the [community] repo. 1. AVR microprocessor: avarice, avra, avr-gdb, kontrollerlab, simulavr, tavrasm, uisp, gnome-avrdude 2. PIC microprocessor: picasm, picp, picprog, pikdev, piklab, pk2cmd 3. Blackfin Digital Signal Processor: blackfin-toolchain-elf 4. Tinyos: nesc, tinyos, tinyos-tools 5. ARM architecture: openocd-svn 6. Picoblaze Softcore processor: kpicosim 7. FPGA design: ghdl-bin, verilator 8. Some common, like usb-serial converter driver: libftd2xx.
Feel free to ask me, if something is obscure or you would like to know more about me.
Thanks to Stefan Husmann for sponsoring me.
Best Regards, Laszlo Papp Hi Laszlo . I know this thread is for TUs only and your offer to be asked was for
On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 09:32:39PM +0200, Laszlo Papp wrote: <snip> them exclusively . But I really have to ask this question : Why did you send me an e-mail asking me If I'm still with Arch & If you can maintain my pkg "spim" ? The package wasn't an orphan , out of date or dysfunctional . I replied asking you to give me feedback or suggest improvements . I suggested that you should have done this via a comment in the 1st place because the notification system was implemented for a reason & maintainers subscribe for notifications to keep up-to-date with users' comments . It really felt weired when you didn't leave a comment or e-mail me back . I thought packages get disowned because they need immediate care . I was actually not happy with the possibility of losing a package for no good reason (If I was on vacation at the time for example) .