On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 01:27, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
Kwpolska wrote:
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:22 PM, Xyne <xyne@archlinux.ca> wrote:
Magnus Therning wrote:
I'll skip the explanation of how this situation came about and instead just ask the question:
Is there a convenient way to remove notifications from the around 2000 packages that I currently receive notifications on?
The easiest way seems to put in an email address that doesn't work, but that doesn't feel very nice.
Do you have a list of the AURIDs? If so, you could write a script to do it. Take a look at the POST form attached to the "unnotify" button.
If you don't have the IDs then you can scrape the search pages for them.
or: http://aur.archlinux.org/rpc.php?type=msearch&arg=[subject name here]
I thought about that too, but I think he already orphaned the packages. The msearch may work with "orphan" or "nobody", but there may be too many results for the interface to handle.
Indeed, the packages are already orphaned. So the packages in question are all packages in AUR that the user 'arch-haskell' has marked 'notify'. /M -- Magnus Therning OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 email: magnus@therning.org jabber: magnus@therning.org twitter: magthe http://therning.org/magnus