On 27 October 2012 12:41, Stefan Husmann <stefan-husmann@t-online.de> wrote:
Am 27.10.2012 01:40, schrieb Mateusz Loskot:
On 27 October 2012 00:36, Dave Reisner <d@falconindy.com> wrote:
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 12:34:33AM +0100, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
Is it my local problem or https://aur.archlinux.org is offline now?
https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=151509 https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=151502 https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=151496
I hardly ever read Web forum. (rant: I wish the ml's were major communication channel.)
I missed that one. I just realised I haven't re-subscribed since leaving arch-general after the systemd flame war :)
Besides, my question is about AUR.
Maybe this ?
Yes, that's very helpful note. I honestly wonder, why this motion hasn't been announced in https://www.archlinux.org/news/ Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net