Dear Giovanni, I would recomment you two great articles on building custom packages for the AUR. The first one concerenes how a PKGBUILD works: . It will give you an idea of what is needed and how it is done. The second one concentrates on really building an AUR-ready src-file: . They are both rather easy to read and should give you an overall idea of what to expect. If you question however was whether there are already packages with that source in the AUR, then you might be better of just searching the AUR git repo, which is hosted here: , refer to for more info on how to fetch that repo and possibly search in it. I hope I could help you. Best regards, Gordian On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Giovanni Santini <> wrote:
Good morning everybody, As a student, I need to download for a class AMPL, which has its latest student binaries here [1]. I wanted to create a PKGBUILD with all the possible solvers; I remember to have seen a PKGBUILD that had the same sorce and built multiple packages but I can't remember where. Can someone help me with some PKGBUILD/Wiki article/similar for reference? Thank you. Have a nice day, Giovanni Santini