On Jan 17, 2008 7:19 AM, Callan Barrett <wizzomafizzo@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jan 17, 2008 7:46 AM, Firmicus <Firmicus@gmx.net> wrote:
> I just looked at the TU Bylaws concerning TU removal
> http://dev.archlinux.org/~simo/TUbylaws.html#Removal
> and it looks like this discussion is not yet valid, for it says that
> "A motion must be made by at least two active Trusted Users for the removal of a Trusted
> User."
> AFAICS only one such motion has been made until now ...

The discussion period was started because of the "special case" and is
meant to be "automatically triggered" anyway. Keep in mind that even
if this discussion ends in a vote (which it looks like it won't)
you're free to vote no, that's why it's a vote.

After some of the replies I read yesterday I was feeling good about
this thread and was hoping we could work something out where sergej
lets go of at least some of his packages but it seems like that's not
going to happen any time soon. Sergej, you're saying you're willing to
give up some of your packages but you're doing it in a way that people
won't want bother and where you still keep as many as possible, what
is the deal? You're so dead set on keeping as many as possible but

I know I'm also guilty of putting some probably unnecessary packages
into community but how about we try work something out with the way we
put new packages into community? At the moment TUs are allowed to put
whatever they like into community without notice to anyone, perhaps
this needs to stop and we need some order about how we do things?
While we wouldn't need to be as stringent as the devs about this it
might be a good idea that set up something like an email of packages
we want in community as well as some grace period before that. Perhaps
we need to start a new thread about this.

I don't think I've seen that good of an argument yet as to why sergej
should keep so many packages or why it is not a good idea to have
orphans, even if it means a lot of them. Emailing sergej to see if you
can grab a couple of packages is *not* the correct way to go about
this, I don't want any and the reason I brought this up isn't because
I'm jealous of what he has. Please, come up with some proper arguments
instead of being so wishy-washy and backing both of us up.

Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett

Provided that Sergej starts to vote in the current and upcoming voting periods (sure you can miss a vote at some time, but you should be able to vote in the majority of voting periods), and makes the best out of our arguments I think we could solve the issue by discussion.

I looked through a couple of his packages with having only a few votes. These packages, having an extremely small userbase have most of the time not seen an update in a long period. PKGBUILD standards have evolved during the last release of the packages yielding the PKGBUILDs do not follow these standards anymore (for example !libtool option). Sure they do still work (I presume), they just don't follow the standards we want all other users to follow.
For a lot of these packages I do not see any use for them being in [community]. Please drop a lot of them, orphan them, put them in unsupported and post a list on an announcement on bbs so at least some of them get picked up. The other packages will get adopted in time when somebody needs them (which is questionable seeing the amount of votes). This will give you time to properly maintain your remaining packages.

For all other TUs looking to adopt more packages, or upcoming TUs, there are enough packages with a reasonably amount of votes in unsupported left to adopt. Please choose to maintain them instead of packages you may use which have only a very small amount of votes. Callan if you want to start a new thread about this, feel free to do so this discussion does not get lost here.