On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 8:05 AM, <lukas.graetz@web.de> wrote:
Hi, I have flagged links-g-directfb just a week before and have informened jokerboy on 5.10.. He did not answer yet. The most packages of jokerboy are outdated too. These are:
elementary-usu-icons gtk-murrina-blu-theme (not flagged) kfaenza-icon-theme komodo-ide links-g-directfb linux-bfs ls++-git (not flagged) nvidia-bfs thingmenu (not flagged) trayer-dwm virtualbox-modules-bfs
So, please disown them all or make jokerboy inactive (or how it works). lks
You might wanna provide the links to these packages. :)
Taylor Lookabaugh
The link is https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=jokerboy I think there is a misunderstanding. My disown request is for links-g-directfb. On the other side, it's not easier for you guys to disown all the packages of jokerboy? Thanx lks