Laszlo Papp schrieb:
I'd like to formally express my interest in becoming a Trusted User. My name is Laszlo Papp and I'm addicted to archlinux. :) I'm a 23 year old from Hungary, working at a resourcement/development company as Embedded Linux Developer.
I've been using Linux for more than 7 years. I used Gentoo until early 2008, and I learned a great deal about Linux in the process. I settled on Arch more than 1 year ago, nearly 1 and half :) Moving to Arch was easy for me, because of my years of experience with Gentoo. I was very attracted by the lack of dominance of money and business world and by the warm and friendly community.
I have got some experience in Assembly, C, VHDL languages. I have written some open source usb kernel driver (for Passport Reader, Fingerprint Reader, etc.), and a pci kernel driver. I've worked with PIC, AVR microcontrollers, DSP processors, ARM architecture, and FPGA design. I deal with Blackfin DSP board with Embedded Linux on it recently, and I try to help to write C/ASM API for this.
My username on the BBS, AUR, Wiki, Bugs, and Freenode is djszapi. Mainly my contribution to archlinux community was on this sites. See the following URL for my packages in AUR:
I think that Arch does not have a significant presence in the embedded development area of community. I wish to make Arch a viable choice for an embedded developer, by maintaining more popular embedded development related packages in [community]. My Second purpose to do the best support in Arch for vim editor. I like to work from a text console, with framebuffer, and vim :) As a TU, I will offer my knowledge and time to improve my favourite distribution and also the open source world, which gave me so much in the last few years.
I would like to add these packages to the [community] repo. 1. AVR microprocessor: avarice, avra, avr-gdb, kontrollerlab, simulavr, tavrasm, uisp, gnome-avrdude 2. PIC microprocessor: picasm, picp, picprog, pikdev, piklab, pk2cmd 3. Blackfin Digital Signal Processor: blackfin-toolchain-elf 4. Tinyos: nesc, tinyos, tinyos-tools 5. ARM architecture: openocd-svn 6. Picoblaze Softcore processor: kpicosim 7. FPGA design: ghdl-bin, verilator 8. Some common, like usb-serial converter driver: libftd2xx.
Feel free to ask me, if something is obscure or you would like to know more about me.
Thanks to Stefan Husmann for sponsoring me.
Best Regards, Laszlo Papp
Hello TUs and other listmates, I am glad to sponsor Laszlo for his TU applicance. He is very active on forums and this list, and I think his goals in making Arch Linux a preferred Linux distribution for embedded Linux developers can make Arch more popular. His packaging skills are very well, and I think he would be a valuable team member. So let us consider his applicance and discuss it in the next five days. Regards, Stefan