On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 02:42:18AM -0600, Daniel J Griffiths wrote:
Has anyone gotten a successful implementation of it on a linode? I finally had a chance to play with pv-grub today. I got everything working in my Arch64 node.
How-to: 1) Install grub. 2) pacman -U http://allurelinux.org/pkgs/{aufs2-2.6.32_20091203,kernel26-linode-}-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz 3) Edit "/boot/grub/menu.lst". This should suffice: #To use with pv-grub timeout 0 default 0 groot=(hd0) title Arch Linux Linode (By Nezmer) root (hd0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz26-linode root=/dev/xvda 4) Choose to boot "pv-grub-x86_64" kernel from Linode's Dashboard. The kernel is based on Arch kernel but without initrd and with this config: http://allurelinux.org/configs/linode_config