I changed mirrors and that seemed to have done the trick. Well, umm, not really. What I mean is two kernel26.32 packages got updated but now my machine is completely dead in the water! I guess I'm gonna have to boot with the live CD when I get home and start downgrading some packages <sigh>. This is the first time I've upgraded kernel packages and have my machine fall completely over! no boot! I'm at work now so can't deal further with this until I get home tonight but... Ray Rashif wrote:
2009/12/30 Steve Holmes <steve.holmes88@gmail.com>:
Hey, when I did a 'pacman -Syu' this evening, it tried to upgrade speakup from Community but failed because it was expecting a later version of kernel26. Is the newer kernel on its way?
Yes. If not, it's a bug.
This happens when (1) the packager has yet to update that specific package (in this case kernel26) or (2) the mirror has only sync'd part of the repo (in this case speakup but not kernel26).