On 3 November 2013 20:29, Fabien Dubosson <fabien.dubosson@gmail.com> wrote:
The problem doesn't seem to appear with `yaourt` [3] . So before filling a bug request to `aura`, I wanted to be sure that it is allowed/common to use `\` to split lines in the `depends` array?
For an even more simplistic understanding: foo=(one \ two) is understood as: foo=(one two) as much as: foo=(one two) PKGBUILDs are simply Bash scripts, so it's not about what is allowed in the 'depends' array, but what is valid Bash. The '\' is redundant but valid. The wrapper you're using is simply not doing a perfect job of parsing Bash, but it's not that big of a deal. Also note that use of single quotes protects interpretable characters (try versioned depends without quotes), while double quotes allow variable expansion. Using either type of quoting throughout an array is a stylistic choice. At the end of the day, the lesson learnt here is to use supported tools, or at least an unsupported one that has stood the test of time (if you don't want to bother troubleshooting functional glitches). -- GPG/PGP ID: C0711BF1