30 Jun
30 Jun
7:11 p.m.
Hi, I must be missing something. When I install python-pypump-git or python2-pypump-git, I get the same package. I have other split packages installed and they install correctly. Can someone look at this PKGBUILD and let me know what I did wrong? Thanks Storm -- -- Registered Linux user number 508465: https://linuxcounter.net/user/508465.html My blog, Thoughts of a Dragon: http://www.stormdragon.us/ get my public PGP key: gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 43DDC193 How many Internet mail list subscribers does it take to change a lightbulb? http://goo.gl/eO4PJ "Serpent's kin, born of sin. Dark within, father of the wolf!" Amon Amarth - Father of the Wolf