22 Jan
22 Jan
10:35 a.m.
Em 2014-01-22 08:27, Michael Schubert escreveu:
I'm trying to update my package blast+-bin, but I get an "the AUR does not support split packages" error.
The package is not split (as in, it does not create two packages) but it uses a hack to use platform-dependent sources and md5sums.
Is there any recommendation on how to handle such cases?- I didn't find anything on the wiki.
PKGBUILD: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/bl/blast+-bin/PKGBUILD
cheers Michael
The source and md5sum might not be the problem, as it a common thing in AUR. Maybe something related with the 'pkgname'. Can you show the PKGBUILD you tried to upload via paste site (e.g.: pastie.org)?