12 May
12 May
8:39 a.m.
Am 12.05.20 um 05:40 schrieb Raj Kombiyil via aur-general:
$git clone https:://AUR.archlinux.org/gedit-latex.git Thanks in advance for any pointers. Appreciate it.
BTW, this isn't the package I've uploaded, but the older you complained about. The older one installs rubber and texlive-core, so I'm not sure what your problem is. With my package and rubber installed, I can see error messages from rubber in the bottom pane. Do yourself a favour and use your new knowledge to install an AUR helper. I like yay. Then use it like you would use pacman, e.g. $ yay -Syu ; yay -S gedit-latex-git rubber texlive-core BR