On Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 12:10:27AM +0200, Biru Ionut wrote:
Hi, My name is Biru Ionut Mircea and i'm addicted to archlinux. :)
I'm a 23 year old student from Romania, studying at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer, Computer Science department.
I'm using linux for more than 6 years, using different distributions before i discovered archlinux 3 years ago and in this time i can say that i know almost everything about archlinux.
Mainly my contribution to archlinux community was on the forum, bug tracker and aur(username wonder), where i maintain 14 packages [1]. I helped on bug day on 21 march and for my work i got credit from allan and hdoria which i want to thank for that.
I want to became a TU because i've noticed that important people in our community are resigning and my favorites packages aren't been updated because of lack of free time. I just want to do something so that our community to enjoy packages up to date.
In the future I want to help more in archlinux projects and maybe i will start other projects that the archlinux community could use. Also i want to inform that i don't intend to move in community any of *-ubuntu package
My sponsor is Hugo Doria. Thank you.
[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=wonder
-- Ionut
Hi, I went through your packages and found out many of them have been previously created and mainained by someone else. I would like to see some of your own contributions, could you maybe point them out? I see in some of your packages the 1st line like: "# $Id: PKGBUILD,..." which comes in PKGBUILDs moved to AUR from the repos, but actually should not be there. You may remove this. I'm also not sure about the actual status of the #Maintainer/#Contributor lines. Maybe some other TU knows, if Maintainer is now allowed in AUR PKGBUILDs. I'm wondering if you are talking about any particular projects you want to help with or start, in your last paragraph? Cheers Jaroslav -- you've wrecked my year's first dream! cawing crow