Am Tue, 4 Oct 2011 20:02:28 -0300 schrieb Ángel Velásquez <>:
2011/10/4 Heiko Baums <>:
Am Tue, 4 Oct 2011 18:30:39 -0400 schrieb "David J. Haines" <>:
By the way, thanks to the maintainer(s) for the change. It was a really odd way of handling things before.
I mean, I don't mind, but is it really such a big difference if you have to run the script /usr/bin/vboxbuild instead of the script /etc/rc.d/vbox setup every time you have updated either the kernel or virtualbox except that it's less typing?
Dear Heiko, could you sometime stop complaining and start contributing? (flames or complainings are not allowed)
Didn't I said "I don't mind"? It was just a question, because David said that the old way was "a really odd way of handling things". So I just wanted to know where's the difference, because I don't see one except for less typing and probably a slightly better feeling. That's all. Btw., I am maintaining some packages in AUR already. Heiko