On Sat, 6 May 2023 12:54:42 +0200 Christian <syphdias+archlinuxml@gmail.com> wrote:
I took over the package blink1. It is not a -git package so it should have a stable checksum, in my opinion. But since the project it builds uses a submodule, the package uses source=("git+https:/…) and SKIP for the checksum. This way prepare() can do a submodule init and submodule update.
Is there a better way to deal with submodules?
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/VCS_package_guidelines#Git_submodules still applies
Or would it be better to download the released binary for the correct architecture and install that? As I currently understand it this would only be acceptable for a -bin package, wouldn't it? (I found no clear guidance when to use that prefix, e.g. zoom)
If the source is available, the normal package should use it and using upstream binaries should be a -bin package. If the source isn't available, there's no need for the -bin suffix since only one package is going to exist. Doug