19 Mar
19 Mar
8:05 a.m.
Perl's new install blurb will show you this:
These community packages are also included in the standard perl library: perl-archive-extract perl-cpanplus perl-digest-sha perl-file-fetch perl-extutils-parsexs perl-ipc-cmd perl-locale-maketext-simple perl-log-message perl-log-message-simple perl-module-corelist perl-module-load perl-module-load-conditional perl-module-loaded perl-module-pluggable perl-object-accessor perl-params-check perl-term-ui perl-time-piece
Well, it turns out I maintain all but the last one of the above :D perl-time-piece is in unsupported (version 1.11 vs 1.12 in core perl), so it can be removed from AUR.