Urks.. ouch. Thanks for the advice... need to rebuild some packages, but perl 5.10 comes with some nice features.

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Firmicus <Firmicus@gmx.net> wrote:

>> I am likewise very much in favor of a community-testing repo. Roman,
>>  what is the current state of things on this?
> Well, technically it could be organized in the same way as testing for
> core/extra/unstable.
> But I don't know how AUR backend should be modified for this, because
> it needs to separate & not mess uploaded packages.
> I think this would be better implemented with new SCM layout that's
> pending (for pretty long time already, I'll ping that issue after ISO
> release) because it will allow such things to be done *much* easier.

That seems to make perfect sense. Please keep us updated on this.